
I have been self-releasing albums on my record label, Toothpaste Worldwide, since 2016. As a DIY home-recording artist, I’m as much inspired by the aesthetics and approach of people like R. Stevie Moore, The Cleaners from Venus and Momus as I am the classic pop/rock writing and arrangement of artists like The Beatles, the Beach Boys and Bob Dylan. I particularly enjoy the type of songwriting where humour and sincerity can be happy bedfellows e.g. Randy Newman and the Kinks. I like to explore an array of topics in my songwriting - from the mundane to the sublime, and if you listen to one of my albums you might find songs about bookkeeping or doing the washing up alongside songs about saints, Jupiter, hippies and of course, ‘my journey’ 🫶 I created two new micro-genres: ‘Domestica’ - songs about housework, hobbies and the human condition, and ‘Rock ‘n’ Scroll’ - downbeat, intricately produced songs about our 21st Century struggles with technology.

Thames Estuary Blue by Charlie Hannah (2022)

Picasso famously had his ‘Blue Period’ when his friend died. This is my ‘blue period’ (all artists should have one). It’s a melancholic sounding record that thematically centres on a feeling of technological alienation and what it feels like to be a Millennial in a Gen Z world. There’s a ‘lost-at-sea’ mood to the songs. There’s the blue pallet in some of the song titles, occasional ocean subject matter and the odd watery sound effect. As well as the literal use of the colour blue in the songs/artwork, there is a blue downbeat feeling that prevails the record. While all my records have some downtempo tracks on them, they were always offset by sunny and humourous pop numbers. This album stays in the blue pallet throughout. This is the album where I pioneered the new genre ‘Rock ‘n’ Scroll - gentle, sad and introverted music with intricate/soft production - perfect for listening to on headphones while scrolling Instagram.

The album title is an homage to Dennis Wilson’s 1977 record Pacific Ocean Blue. Wilson’s album is soulful, sad and emotionally heavy, and like the Pacific Ocean, is big and grand in its scope and musical production. I took Dennis Wilson’s title and adapted it for my own environment. Smaller, less glamorous (and less American!), my album takes its title from the Thames Estuary where I spent many a happy summer’s day as a child at the beaches at Southend-on-Sea. I’ve always felt at home in the murky, grey, choppy waters of the Thames Estuary - and this is my paean to it.

Special and Different by Charlie Hannah (2020)

Standing on the Verge of Getting a Cold by Charlie Hannah (2019)

A Hannah in the Works by Charlie Hannah (2017)

Who’s in Charge Here? by Charlie Hannah (2016)

I have played in the power-pop band Itchy Teeth for the best part of 18 years. Currently a trio, the band comprises Xav Clarke on bass, Oli Booker on drums and myself on guitar. I met Oli at Westcliff High School for Boys in Essex, and Xav at Southampton University. The band’s sound is a mix of 60s inspired harmony pop like the Beatles and Beach Boys and 90s/00s anthemic rock like Weezer and Oasis. We have made 4 albums and an EP, and are currently in the process of finishing our 5th album. We released our ‘Best Of’ compilation, Solid Gold Teeth, in 2023.

Solid Gold Teeth by Itchy Teeth (2023)

Popularity Contest (EP) by Itchy Teeth (2023)

Welcome to the Picnic by Itchy Teeth (2021)

Threeth by Itchy Teeth (2019)

Electric Paint by Itchy Teeth (2018)

Itchy Teeth by Itchy Teeth (2016)

Starfish Men

Starfish Men is a tongue-in-cheek, underwater-themed pop duo comprising Xav Clarke and myself (the songwriting partnership of Itchy Teeth). The project was conceived as a way of continuing our creative partnership when Xav moved to Germany for a few years. We created our sole album ‘Original Motion Picture Soundtrack’ remotely. Either Xav or I would begin sketching out a track, and send the incomplete idea to the other to finish it off. It ended up being one of my favourite fruits of our collaboration! We made a ridiculous, surreal comedy film with Dogbrain Videos where we gave the Starfish Men loose back stories. They were eco-conscious, litter-picking, ocean-loving hipsters from Margate! In the film they go to see an avant-garde film, eat some spiked starfish cookies, and go on a weird and wonderful adventure for one unforgettable night!

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2019)

Ambient Tofu

Ambient Tofu is my creative outlet for experimental/avant-garde/noise stuff. Two of the EPs were made with Xav, and one solo. I see it as a revolving door project where I’m open to anyone collaborating. It’s meant to be loose, fun and without boundaries. Where the driving force behind most of my projects is still the elusive search for that perfect pop song in the classic 60s/70s mould, this is a project where I can throw away the rule book and let off steam. Anything goes. Want to make an Ambient Tofu album together?? Hit me up!


